c-mt.dk | LEGO models, building instructions and software by Lasse Deleuran Contact
Previous LEGO World 2016 Mosaics Next
  • February, 2016
  • Building instructions of this model on BrickHub.org

For LEGO World in Copenhagen of 2016, LEGO Charity was supporting the charity "SOS Børnebyerne". Guests of the LEGO Charity event booth were building sections for big World map mosaics. The mosaics were further decorated with wonders. There are free building instructions for these small models here on BrickHub.
LDDMC was used to design the mosaics with a large a mount of manual editing to design logos and figures.

One of the maps shows elevations. The oceans were decorated by hand in order to ensure that guests were rarely left to build "boring" plates of only a single color.

The mosaic with elevations at LEGO World.

For Australia the opera house of Sidney was built.

Other wonders on display were Christ the Redeemer, the Golden Gate Bridge, Empire State Building, Mayan Tikal, Machu Picchu, Stonehenge, the Pyramid of Giza, Temple of Artemis and others not shown on this picture.

Another map had drawings of mermaids, which I drew by hand.

The completed mosaic with mermaids at the event.

One of the World maps has the names of the oceans written in and shows the depths of the oceans.

While another World map has pictures of classic LEGO pieces of sea creatures.

The LEGO sea creatures include a ray, octopi, and a shark. The pictures were created by exporting screenshots of LDraw models into LDDMC.

I also helped building for this project.